"The enemy who is against the laws of nature will lose his battle before he begins to fight.
The first priority to the ninja is to win without fighting." - Soke Hatsumi Masaaki

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Why I went with IBDA

** should read this post first: http://ninpo-ikkan.blogspot.com/2008/09/why-i-study-bujinkan.html
Well I enrolled in the IBDA or Internation Bujinkan Dojo Assoication: Distance Learning Ninjutsu Study Course that takes you from White to Black belt using a standardized step-by-step learning and ranking system created by Shihan Van Donk, that in my opinion is second to none.

They are an Association of International Dojo's and Student's which for someone like me who travels that's kinda handy. I now also train with Shidoshi Charles Benham and Sensai Pat Vawter at the Mountian Warrior Budo Dojo in Denver who has a great style of guiding my buddy partner and I along our Bujinkan path.

They are a network of students and instructors online and in dojo's around the world to support us along the way. Combine this with the fact that at each rank we are Certified from Japan. We can train anywhere and have rank recognition. Also hoping it will make for some brilliant camps, sure we will soon find out.

They have a huge collection of products, videos and almost everything you would ask for along your path to becoming a Ninja or Shinobi/Kunoichi whatever you prefer.

Anyway so that's why I chose this time round to go with IBDA. I am sure I will have more to add to this post as we work towards that black belt.

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