"The enemy who is against the laws of nature will lose his battle before he begins to fight.
The first priority to the ninja is to win without fighting." - Soke Hatsumi Masaaki

Friday, April 09, 2010

IBDA Tai Kai 10 and the Black Belt Test

Well it was an experience 36 hrs on a train 5 days training, then 36 hrs on the train, it was intense.

The training and was as always outstanding and left me reeling still now almost a month later.
Masters everywhere and green belts galore it was great. We learnt things from all levels and had an awesome time.

The Black belt test well yes Chimko and I got our black belts and our tests went very well. Much thanks to Shidoshi Charles Benham, Sensai Pat, Shihan Richard and Linda Van Donk and ofcourse Shihan Dan and Shihan Joel for running the test for us as well as the other training and kind comments.

You know I cant help feeling like I just finished training to get on the boat and go on the journey.
I may add more to this later but for now here is some pictures: