"The enemy who is against the laws of nature will lose his battle before he begins to fight.
The first priority to the ninja is to win without fighting." - Soke Hatsumi Masaaki

Monday, June 01, 2009

March Taikai 09 TenChiJin

Although the camp was almost 2 months ago now I thought I should write something about it.

I would have to say this experience has helped my taijutsu and my life in multiple ways. I enjoyed the training and the family environment created by Shihan Richard and Linda Van Donk's and the IBDA Family at large, which was something truly unexpected.

It was interesting to see all the little points that make all the difference in the world. For anyone interesting in going to a IBDA Taikai my opinion is yes it is worth all that money. The experiences will last long after you come home and help motivate you in your life and your training.

The Theme of the camp was TenChiJin - Ten meaning Heaven, Chi meaning Earth and Jin meaning Man. We looked at the different aspects and how it related to our taijutsu. Going over all the basics and drilling them in hard using the essence of the TenChiJin infused with all our taijutsu was something that provided a different perspective on the techniques and the feeling or shadow of the the technique.

Chimko and I also ranked up at the camp to 6th kyu. We also managed to be in the first bunch of people to sign up and got a copy of Shihan Richard Van Donk's latest TenChiJin Book. Got some great comments and advise that really helped us thanks to everyone at the 09 March Taikai. We meet great people with in the IBDA Family that really just made the whole trip worth while.

I would like to take the time to thank our Shidoshi Charles Benham for preparing us well for the experience and encouraging us to go. To the Shihan's Richard and Lynda Van Donk Thanks for making all this available for us all. Of course I should also thank Shihan Joel E
verett and Shihan Dan Ordoins for their instruction along with everyone else who worked with us in anyway.

(picture inculdes left to right top: Shidoshi Charles Benham, Shihan Richard Van Donk, Sarah Benham
left to right bottom: Shannon
Mc Dowell, Robert Currie (Chimko)


Jay Strauser said...

How about an update. Maybe something about the Taikai 10? Congratulations are in order!

Shannon said...

See above