"The enemy who is against the laws of nature will lose his battle before he begins to fight.
The first priority to the ninja is to win without fighting." - Soke Hatsumi Masaaki

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Taihenjutsu includes Ukemi (breakfalls), Kiten (rolls), Tobi (leaping), Oten (cartwheels), Shoten No Jutsu (running up surfaces), Kuten (handsprings), Nobori Kata (climbing) and probably more. These skills are necessary for good training especially if you don't want to get injured.

This is something our Shidoshi Charles Benham drills into us. At first I was like whats this it is boring, wanting more Taijutsu training. However as I have progressed I now see it is very important to have great Taihenjutsu skills if I plan to be able to come out of any confrontation with minimum injury.

Consider Taihenjutsu evading injury skills in my opinion, weather it is going to the ground using Ukemi and Kiten, or using Shoten No Jutsu or Nobori Kata to remove yourself from the situation.

This is something that must be a focus for beginner and advanced students alike from everything I have seen to date tells me I better have this down before I go to Japan.

(Video included shows some Taihenjutsu **** Please Do Not Try This At Home ****)


Jay Strauser said...

Congratulations on your new rank in the Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu!

Shannon said...

Thank you very much Jay